This USB expansion pack was needed for my webcam setup for my garage and patio. I tried soldering my working USB to a phone wire and applying power that way, but the solder joints became weak and broke. This resulted in a loss of video stream and power to these two cameras. I temporarily used long extension cords, but that was a waste of the large orange cords used to power each camera. Then I bought and installed this solution! I already had a couple of Category 5e cables in stock, so I crimped both ends of the long cable and then plugged the USB cables from the old webcams into the four connectors. Power was also supplied via two wires, an uncrimped RJ45 cable and soldered to the 5V DC adapter plug. This setup has been working fine for over a week now and I am happy with this brand of extension cords!
📻 NooElec High Gain ADS-B Radio and Antenna Bundle - Dual-Band NESDR Nano 2 (978MHz & 1090MHz), Starter Edition for Stratux, Avare, Foreflight, and FlightAware
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