I like that this bag has a crossed shoulder strap (which can also be replaced with a waist strap). Much more comfortable to walk with and use in training - the bag still sits at the waist. I also like that I can put my wallet, keys and mobile phone in the side pockets of the bag. I can leave the house with just this bag and my dog and still have everything I need which is very important as summer is coming and I can't rely on jacket pockets. A collapsible water tank is like any other - it works, but I don't trust the clip so I usually try to put it in a side pocket. I've bought several of them through different companies - each of them forced me to use their own clip to make it better, so I don't think it's that company's fault. The bag is easy to clean - the inner lining is not removable, but you can turn it inside out and just wipe it clean. The clicker is better than the $0.99 you get at Petco. My dog is afraid of them but likes this one because it's consistent without being too loud. The whistle works fine. I know someone rated it as terrible quality but it works for us because I'm in an apartment so it's not too loud and doesn't bother the noise when we're exercising indoors. It works well enough for my dog outside. It's also very light and easily fits in my pocket when I don't want to take out the whole bag. The bag is reflective on the outside, it's night for evening training when we come back from the dog park. The orange and gray also look pretty compared to some cheap treat bags. Finally, the poop bags are adequate, but not large. I have used both sets but they are much thinner than what I usually use. However, you don't buy this bag for poop bags. Overall, this bag is of excellent quality and will hold about 2 cups of goodies for us, along with the associated accessories and my personal belongings. You really can't beat the price point of around $15 compared to other bags that just can't offer that much.
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