Today I'll be talking about Bonsai: It's a European investing business. It supports small enterprises with significant potential. They have been partnering with several European firms that are well-known, but that may not be available to other nations across the world. The co-funders of this firm include: Javier Cebrián Monereo, Marti Escursell, Juan Teijeiro and Andrés de la Morena. All of these folks are investors and entrepreneurs with tons of expertise in business. The firm started operations in October 2018 and serves its recipients since. Just so you know, 13 investments have been made by Bonsai Partners. They just invested €50M in Casavo on the 17th of Mar 2021. In fact, this firm is expanding its client base with more than 1,000 LinkedIn followers, thus its net turnover is likely to rise as well.