I was very happy with the overall quality of this purchase. This is a large bodied instrument with a nice set of accessories. I like the flex shaft mount, but it's quite difficult to attach and the instructions don't give a clear way to mount it. The instructions show the use of a fixed collet for the flex shaft, at least that's what their instructions say. I couldn't find a size that would allow the shaft to rotate reliably or insert the shaft. I finally decided on an adjustable collet. Through trial and error I managed to find a position that allowed the shaft to work reliably, but this is not a mechanically strong connection. My biggest criticism is the stand you can hang your instrument on. It's just a poorly designed accessory that sometimes works as intended. The weight of the tool causes the stand to deflect excessively. It doesn't seem designed to carry that much weight. There are three extensions for the stand and trying to block them from collapsing under the weight of the tool is difficult or impossible in some cases. The second section just collapses no matter how hard I try to tighten it. The two lower parts are made of thin metal rolled into a tube. They are connected by a "friction" collet that seems unsuitable for the job. The top wire section is a solid metal bar that is bent to hold the hook on the tool. If they are all working properly, the stand can offer about 24 inches of height as far as I can tell. taller than about 18 inches, which works but is still disappointing. That 'complaint' about the stand aside, I think this kit is a good buy if you don't currently have a moto tool unit on your workbench. cheaper than "Dremel" or for "Foredom" style flexible tool. I don't know if it will hold up to heavy use, but I use it on my leather workbench and it seems to do the job quite well. Nice.