UPDATE May 15, 2021: A Yihua employee was contacted via email and apologized for my negative experience. They offered tips and tricks on how to best use a "higher thermal mass" soldering iron. While I appreciate the advice, I wouldn't seek out and buy such an iron with large attachments and the power required to use those attachments if I didn't know what and why for such things. I was also offered to send another soldering iron with additional interchangeable nozzles for my efforts. I didn't accept their offer. I'm not inclined and don't have time to try again, which is probably a 50/50 chance of another failure. I appreciate the gesture, but I've already reduced my losses and moved on. But kudos to Yihua for trying to improve their product. Unfortunately, I've switched to another brand of iron, which continues to work after soldering nearly two dozen XT90 connectors with 14 gauge twisted silicone wires. ----- As others have reported, this iron works great the first few times. I'm working on my 5th battery and unfortunately it doesn't get hot enough to solder with lead-free solder. Mind you, I'm soldering the connectors to the battery. The packaging itself is assembled with spot-welded nickel tape. I thought the 110W peak power would give me enough room for lead-free soldering, but unfortunately the temperature doesn't rise above 600F at the moment. Not good.