This travel bag looks good. I like it but if you apply some pressure from the top it flexes a bit but it doesn't bother. The zippers are beautifully colored in blue and red which is very pretty. The texture of the exterior is to be expected too and for the most part I have no complaints. However, the interior is different. Mold does not stick to the interior and can be removed. It's more important to note, however, that the form is two layers glued together and feels a little flimsy in places, which is a shame. However, it keeps all products in place, and that's the general idea behind what it does. There is a gaming valve inside which I like, but I do complain that one of the game cartridge pouches on the valve is so close to the corner that it was difficult to slip it in. The drawstring zipper is durable. Overall it's good for the price but needs a lot of improvement and we'd love to see an updated product to review.