The packaging was great and from what I've read from others you really can't tell which end of the antenna is on top When trying to get the SWR in range of each other, I posed I found that the antenna wasn't long enough to get the SWR where I needed it. So to put something together I had to look up what to select to make it work. I still have a magnetic base that only needs one set screw, so attach it to the k-30 and see it properly. In the distance, Lil Wil's base was a bit taller, so I used Lil Wil's base with a K-30 whip. This way, if I put these 2 together and raise the whip 36 inches a little, I read the SWR better than me even when just using a lil wil whip with a lil wil base. The top channels are 1.1, the bottom channels are about 1.4 and that's the maximum length of the whip, can't be more if that doesn't work. By putting them together I got a really good CB antenna. So I will never buy a k-30 cb antenna again and will stick with the Lil Wil antenna unless I have proven it to be a better antenna before buying it again. I got a really good CB antenna. So I will never buy a k-30 cb antenna again and will stick with the Lil Wil antenna unless I have proven it to be a better antenna before buying it again. I got a really good CB antenna. So I will never buy a k-30 cb antenna again and will stick with the Lil Wil antenna unless I have proven it to be a better antenna before buying it again.
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