There is a compatibility issue between MSI motherboards and all of this manufacturer's analog headphones. I own two top-tier personal computers, one model 3090 TI and another model 4090, as well as two pairs of Seinheiser headphones. Because the older ones that I had before those worked properly on the ASUS motherboard, I decided to purchase the second set from the same company. The sound quality is fantastic on both sets. There is always an issue with a "silent" microphone when switching to new computers; the players in the Discord server do not hear 200% of what I am saying, despite the fact that my gain is set to its highest. The only advice that manufacturers of headphones gave to customers regarding this issue was to double check that the microphone was plugged into the appropriate connector and that the drivers had been installed. In point of fact, users have not taken any action, despite the fact that the issue has persisted for months. There is a high probability that new MSI motherboards, Realtek drivers, and the GSP series of analog headphones are not fully compatible with one another. On each of the computers, you need to uninstall and reinstall the drivers ten times while also turning off the internet and cleaning out system folders. And, lo and behold, sometimes this helps, but the headphones are still perceived by the realtek drivers as a USB headset through analog inputs. A friend of mine who similarly became dependent on these headphones was coerced into purchasing a sound card; perhaps this is the only option available to fix the problem. In any event, the manufacturer, having determined that the issue affects a significant number of customers, might already have published instructions on how to resolve the issue.