I opted for the most potent vacuum in the hopes that it would serve as a replacement for the standard model, but that it would be less expensive, easier to move, and more fun to use. The quality of the vacuuming itself has not been criticized, but its portability and user-friendliness have been criticized heavily. If you're familiar with using upright vacuum cleaners, I think you'll enjoy this model. If you're not, though, you might want to take a closer look in the store. I suggest paying close attention to your "habits" when cleaning before purchasing your first vacuum. * While I normally just run the nozzle of my conventional vacuum down the baseboard, this won't work because the turbo brush prevents it from moving laterally. This means that a standard vacuum nozzle can't reach in between the wall and the table (although an older vacuum can, by simply moving the brush sideways). I move the brush around quite a bit; I'll move it beyond the threshold, switch it around if I think I missed some dirt, etc. The prior vacuum was mechanical, but the new one is so heavy that you can feel its effects as soon as you start using it. * Changing the nozzles and turning over the pipe on a regular vacuum cleaner only takes a single move. Here, though, habit will prevent you from doing so; the heaviness of the component will eventually cause you to set it down and make a replacement.