My problem was drilling four quarter inch holes in the stainless steel at the back of a trailer. I had several Dewalt drills and managed to make two holes where I could grab the drill with both hands and lean on it, but ruined a few drills in the process. I had to do the second two holes from the stairs. One hand on the drill, the other grips the top edge of the 13-foot trailer and chest presses against the back of the drill to get enough pressure to move something. As a lubricant I used oil with a viscosity of 30. I could hardly dimple. I went and bought some Milwuakee "10x" drill bits and they did next to nothing. I ordered a 6.4mm Wkstool carbide cutter as it was advertised for cutting stainless steel. I felt a little better, but I couldn't get through from the stairs. The edge of the work chair broke off and after a short time it was barely cut off. I spoke to a manufacturer who has worked a lot with stainless steel and he suggested trying Unibit. It wasn't easy, but Unibit made it. I always had it in my tool box but never thought of using it.