The lower sensors in the picture I received from the seller after ordering the AC Delco brand. It wasn't what I ordered, by the time I was able to diagnose the problem with the sensors the return date had already passed. The gauges are generic and didn't work on my 04 Escalade. They are marked with the same part numbers as the AC Delco brand, but are not. Even my dealer admitted it. I shut off the air intake three times before we realized they were real sensors. When we tried to remove the sensors, they just rotated. I used bolt extractors to pull out new universal sensors. At this point I was very upset, went to the dealer and bought new Delco climate sensors. After reading more reviews, it turned out that the seller often sends original parts instead of well-known brand parts. It would be fair if the seller returned the money but I may have to take this as a loss. Definitely opened my eyes to ordering certain things online.
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