The wire got all static when talking after about 1 and a half months, I also had wire protectors on the to prevent the from cracking or breaking at the ends.
GoPro HERO9 (CHDHX-901), 23.6MP, 5120x2160, 1720 mA, black
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High-Quality BENFEI DisplayPort To HDMI Cable For Seamless Connectivity Across Lenovo, HP, ASUS, Dell And Other Brands!
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GearIT 14/2 Speaker Wire (250Ft) - High-Quality 14AWG Gauge For Outdoor Use - Oxygen-Free Copper - CL3 CL2 Rated - 2 Conductors - Black
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High-Quality 14AWG Braided Speaker Wire (15 Feet) With Dual Gold Plated Banana Plugs - Oxygen-Free Copper (OFC) Construction For Superior Sound - Black
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