How easy it is to setup a station, configure it and then start collecting data.It provides a great overview over the state of the sensor.The mobile version has made it much more convenient to update/modify configurations from the field as well. It's also possible to send data directly to my email if needed at any time. The app has not been updated in years and sometimes I get disconnected from the internet so that it is impossible to use. If you want to be able to use your metereo station in multiple locations, then this solution is perfect. The system has helped me manage and collect weather data over several agricultural fields. I like how easy it is to setup, use and view at any given time. It's very user friendly and straight forward. I would like to be able to see more detailed weather reports. I also wish that I could have different fields and rows of data. It has helped me with crop planning and management. This allows me to know what the weather is doing in my field before planting and helps me plan when and where to plant.