This is my first set of panniers after a long break. I am very satisfied with the workmanship and the look of these bags. There are many pockets for many things like groceries or anything else. There are cup holders on each side, 4 pockets on each side, a detachable top with a main pocket and a smaller detachable mesh pocket, and plenty of hooks and a spare strap to carry it off the bike. The two side compartments are a yoke with handles and latches making it easy to remove the top. The only thing is I have not owned any bike cases before so I have nothing to compare them to other than motorcycle bags. My colleague commented that they actually look better than the ones on his bike. I think they look pretty good if you're looking for a more rugged/utilitarian look and don't want to spend a ton of money on a t-shirt or something. They've only had a month so we'll see how long they last, but looks like this stuff will last a while or I'll update. Also, the sides could have had a more solid interior instead of a straight pocket compartment, but that doesn't really bother. Definitely recommended.
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