Except for a different size spade connector to protect against overloading, this Panasonic cord is a direct replacement for the Kenmore power cord #4151701 which is no longer available for the Kenmore model is available . 116.56512690. This power cord has a 2 pin plug on one end and the other end terminates with two wires - black and white. The end of the white wire is bare, while the black wire has a narrow (less than 1/4 inch, maybe 3/16 inch) insulated jack. The correct connection of the white wire is done with a plastic nut with the other two white wires twisted together (3 total if terminated properly) while the black spade should replace one of the black spades on the overload protector by sliding onto the existing connector overload . However, the Kenmore overload has larger blade terminals than the new cable end. My solution was to cut the faulty cable's existing black wire at the end of the existing spade connector. I also cut the undersized spade connector off the new black wire, stripped and soldered the new black wire to the old/existing spade connector. This cable now supports my old Kenmore. A tip is to measure or mark the wire you are replacing as it goes through the short connecting tube and hits the body of the vacuum nozzle. You'll need to adjust the new cable to that exact length, leaving enough slack to fully rotate the tube. I didn't and had to remove some of the Powermate parts again to give some extra clearance. Also, Kenmore #20-5240 (Generic #15T7DC/130V-HD) is a 15W 130V bulb compared to a regular 120V replacement bulb which is much more "fragile" and not like that lasts long. Check out Pastafarian's review for more tips.