So I'm still at the very beginning of soldering and am learning electronics/printed circuit boards. Because of this, I'm always looking for the best/cheapest deal, at least for now. I have several different soldering irons ranging from super cheap Walmart to electronic displays, pencil types and a large soldering iron. Thankfully I've come a long way since my early days, but I still consider myself a beginner. I was able to save about $400 by studying Electronics/PCB and Soldering. First the transistor and resistor on my suburban water heater circuit board (for my RV) failed, for which they asked something 100, but I was able to solder and install new parts. Then my oven broke and stopped working and through some research I found that the solder joints on the relay boards tend to crack resulting in no connection to the board. Resoldered and bam, it works again and saved us $300 lol. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I've used a few different types and brands of baits and they haven't impressed me too much. I try to maintain them by tinning before and after use, cleaning the nib during use, etc. But after a while various nibs don't get as wet as they used to, even after using a nib preservative. These tips seem to be quite well made and I've enjoyed using them, with one exception (which is why I removed the star. I recently removed one of the tips and the inner barrel of the tip (not sure what it actually is) called ) came all the way out of the top. I hope I can just stick it back in, but who knows. Anyway, if you're a beginner like me, it's a pretty good set with a lot of different tips for a really good price.
Inverter welding machine CET CET MMA 200A, MMA
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Hakko 599B 02 Wire Type Soldering Cleaner
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π₯ Whizzotech Solder Wire 60/40 Tin/Lead with Flux Rosin Core - 0.032 Inch Diameter for Electrical Soldering (4oz/100g/0.22lb)
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309LFC-O X .035 X 1LB Spool Gasless Stainless Steel Flux Core Welding Wire by Blue Demon
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