I like the convenience to get an expert outcome with a free open source programming. I say ease in light of the fact that, regardless of whether I know how to do a specefic task, there is a lot of documentation, either from their insight base or from different sources on Internet.The programming can freeze some of the time and the main way out that I found at this point is to close down. Gimp. On the off chance that I didn't save my work in some time, I lose everything. So I took the propensity for saving frequently. For me this happened for the most part when I have a go at resizing a huge picture by a too large scope immediately. So I do more modest additions and save at each increment.Overall, I am extremely happy with Gimp as a free device on the grounds that as a craftsman painter, I'm utilizing it to alter picture records of my artworks taken by a genius photographic artist. I alter my pictures to make custom acclimation to fit as a wonderful print on various product to sell on my site. I'm exceptionally satisfied with the quality and result I get. I want to wrap up with a fresh high goal picture since I would not acknowledge a foggy outcome for print. I get great quality with Gimp without paying a costly membership and I generally find effectively how to do anything. It is ideal for my requirements.