I found the listing a little ambiguous so, just to be clear: this charger works with BOTH AA and AAA batteries.The AAs lie on the 'higher shelf' of holding slots. I charged two AA's that were effectively dead and it took 9-10 hours for the LEDs to flip indicating fully charged - I left them overnight so it's hard to time precisely. I'm been using them daily in a small digital recorder for a couple of weeks now without any low power warning.I like that the neither the charger nor the batteries gave off what I'd consider excessive heat. For me that's an upside of the longer charge time - I feel more comfortable leaving the charger unattended.It should be obvious but for those who don't know or don't read instructions do NOT put non-rechargeable alkaline batteries in a battery charger - you're risking an explosion and don't want to sitting close by when it happens.
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LCD Battery Tester For Universal Battery Types - AA, AAA, C, D, 9V, CR2032, CR123A, CR2, CRV3, 2CR5, CRP2, 1.5V/3V Button Cells With Included AAA Battery
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