I like how simple it makes finding information about my medical conditions, as well as other useful resources to use myself when dealing with these issues during work hours if needed. Very helpful! As far as any complaints go, that's really something we'd have to discuss between me and each employer who uses this software (we're mostly small/local businesses). It can be difficult sometimes to find enough info using Google search alone. This program helps make sure everything you need is right there at your fingertips without having too much digging around online at once. The platform has been very easy to use, it's intuitive and simple. I have not found anything that really needs improvement at this point! It works well as far as my experience goes. My team loves using La Kazu because they can track their moods throughout the day without having to speak about them. They are able to see how much time they spend working each day and when there may be some downtime or breaks needed.