The description says that in many places up to 5 devices can be connected. But these are only a maximum of 3 connections. The fourth is not connected. See attached photo. If, like me, the number of connected devices is important to you, this is a falsely advertised product. The GPS connection works fine as expected, but it doesn't matter if it doesn't connect. Update: Only connects up to 2 iOS 10.x devices. Then it shows <MAX>. If another device such as For example, if an iOS 9 device was connected, 3 <MAX> might appear as an attached photo case. Contact the manufacturer. They said it was an iOS 10.x issue from Apple. Same problem in 10.1. But I think it's also a firmware issue. Apple cannot repair or restore the previous one. So if the firmware is not fixed, the problem will never be solved. iOS 10 release about 2 months ago. They are not fixed yet. The following is published on the Bad Elf website. (Search on Google as Revain doesn't allow entering URLs here.) WARNING. The issue prevents Bluetooth from connecting to more than two iOS 10 devices. Nothing has been fixed.