Mr. But . Noisy, the sides are soft - the car shakes, controllability is reduced because of this. The impression is that all four shock absorbers of the car have become softer a couple of times, it brakes, it pumps, you turn it pumps, it stops, it pumps in resonance, smoothly fading. I tried to make more pressure, the car turns into a tank in terms of acoustic comfort, and the handling does not improve much. Probably it could be endured, I bought it already. 32tr set, ride and suffer. But not fate. On the gravel road, one of the wheels shot dully. At that time, the mileage on them was a maximum of 300-400 km. Spat, bought a full-time bridge. Handling, silence and safety are back. When I bought it on the site, there was a Manufacturer's Warranty badge. Then they unsubscribed from me for several months, hid, the guarantee ended with nothing .