I ordered a transmitter/receiver kit and a pair of standalone receivers. At home, I use a separate media VLAN for music and video. I have a transmitter plugged into it and connected my Chromecast to the transmitter. I then attached receivers to it and connected them to my displays. (Neither the kit nor the individual receivers come with HDMI cables, so you might want to bring a few.) The transmitter and receivers found each other instantly, and I started streaming Netflix from my tablet to my Chromecast on three displays right away. From start to finish, setting up one transmitter and three receivers took about 45 minutes, including the time it took me to unbox, connect, set up the Chromecast, etc. Setting up the devices is neither necessary nor possible. They seem to be using networkcasting to find each other and then multicasting to stream from one transmitter to 30 receivers. They support up to 1080i/1080p. I'm familiar with networks and they work well for me, but I see no reason why they shouldn't work for non-professionals. They are literally plug and play. Very impressive.
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