Well. I got a call from the company and asked to write a review. But I don't write commercial reviews in exchange for treats and discounts. So here's what you get for this low price. The Yes lathe is delivered in a beautiful wooden box. But it comes without a cutter and tool holder. You need to get your tool holders yourself. It's a 5/8" square shank and a good one made in the USA will cost you about $70 each. There is no information or specification as to what type of mount you should get. So the ones I have are 7 degrees rake. does not align to the center of the material I need to cut. There is no height adjustment for the tool holder and it's a guess as to which cutter holder might work properly with this lathe. Keep in mind that 5/8 shanks are not very common Height adjustable tool holders available on Amazon have Β½ or ΒΎ shanks. If you can find one for β inches, spend another $200 on it. The machine is not very well constructed. The speed change is not smooth. It's pretty nerve wracking. The drive belt is made of some kind of plastic and after a few hours it starts making noise. A knock is heard from the gearbox, it makes a pin on the drive pulley. (As far as I can tell). The carriage movement is not smooth and there is no corner mark if you want to make bevel cuts. If you're looking to buy this machine, keep in mind that you'll need to invest another $350 to get it to the point where you can cut anything with more or less acceptable accuracy. no I would not recommend it to any friend.