Bought these bits and bought a similar set of Doinshop bits at the same time. I would call it a slightly modernized version of Doinshop. The shank of the largest bit is slightly larger, and the bits themselves appear to be made from slightly harder steel, allowing for slightly longer life. Not a huge difference, but enough said. They're more expensive, almost twice as much, so the cost of a drilled hole is likely to be similar. I typically use them in the workshop or where I feel I need a better bit, either for drilling in harder materials or for more difficult jobs where the larger shank of the larger bit resists bending or twisting better. Also, they come in a small fabric carry case with a velcro flap that closes them to keep them in place. Nothing out of the ordinary, but it keeps them from tarnishing in a portable tool box and won't scratch or damage anything else in the box that might be somewhat fragile, like a multimeter's display. The bag also has a belt loop sewn into the back which may be useful for some. These bits are not true industrial quality but for the price they have served me well. To sum up my thoughts, if you just need a set for one-off or very infrequent use, when low price is paramount, or you want 1/4 Quick Change Hex Shank Bits, get Doinshop. For regular use, however, I think the additional price of the Astro Pneumatic is justified due to the slightly better steel, the stronger shaft and the carrying case. I think for production or professional use both are not brand names but useful in case they can do some harm. Ruining a little bit from a $15 set is a lot less painful than ruining one from a $50 set. , for sacrificial work.
Bit and socket set BOSCH Promoline (2.607.017.322), 26 pcs.
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