I've been thinking about an oscillating spindle bench sander for a while, but I really don't have the extra space for it in my small workspace. second thought. Then I saw the same model in different colors with different brand labels. I did some research and it turns out there are at least 5 identical HHOSS rebrands of this item. I don't know who makes the original, I don't care. So this is NOT a desktop OSS. It doesn't have that kind of power or punch. But since it's not a desktop version, I shouldn't compare it to any. It works well, not too strong, but not too strong either. You can jam it if you push the workpiece into the drum too hard, but if you let the sandpaper do all the work and don't expect to do any serious carving with it, it actually does a decent job. I mainly used it for MDF. Original and some other light works. If you're planning on finishing the edge of a 2" or thicker piece of wood, you should probably look at the tabletop options and ditch the handheld option. I am happy with this grinder. If I have more space in my garage for a desktop version I will get one of these. And so far I'm fine.
🛠️ Rubber Drum Oscillating Sander by POWERTEC
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🌀 Efficient Assorted Spindle Sanding Sleeves by LotFancy: Get the Perfect Sanding Results!
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🔧 Versatile Dremel 911 Aluminum Oxide Grinding- Unleash Precision in Every Project!
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Enhance Your Sanding Efficiency with ABN Aluminum Spindle Sanding Sleeves
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