This app has been around since 2009 and has been updated since 2011. In the past few months it has taken us literally 2 weeks to receive updates from the development team. Updates to add new functions, fix bugs and address issues have been delayed, and they have not been released regularly. The interface and functionality of the app is confusing, outdated, and difficult to use. A sales agent can send a pre-customer video and never see if the video was received or viewed by the prospect. When the prospect does view the video, the preview screen disappears without any confirmation or feedback to the agent that the video was actually played. This causes a significant delay in getting feedback on whether or not the video was viewed. For example, it would take 2 hours for an agent to receive a response from a prospect who watched a video that was sent 10 minutes earlier. Once a video has been received, the agent cannot share it with other sales associates, or even log off of the app, without losing access to the video.