Large size fits my 10 year old son well and has room to grow. (4 feet 9 inches, 77 pounds). To be honest I could have bought a medium sized one and it would probably fit just fine but as my child seems to be outgrowing his clothes I'm hoping I can go two years without this shirt if I buy one. it's a little bit more. The shirt perfectly protects it from the sun and UV rays. He's been in the sun all day with no sunscreen under his shirt and no signs of sunburn! In fact, I'd say the shirt worked better than the sunscreen as his arms and face were tanned but his torso wasn't. The shirt is the perfect length, a few inches below the waist. Material that floats around to make it look like an underwater sail. I have an adult version of this shirt and it has lasted 2 years with no problems. I feel like my son outgrows the shirt before he can wear it.
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