Works great! I wanted them set at 20psi and it took me about 5 minutes to set them to the factory settings. I have used them four times now and each time they have deflated my tires to exactly 20psi for my caliber. They're a bit pricey but I feel like they're good value for money because they're reliable and work perfectly every time I use them. I have 33" tires on 16" 8" wide rims. I put the first one on and then I go to the other three tires and put them on. Wait about another minute and the first hoop will be ready. By the time I take this off and put the cap back on the valve stem, the next tire is done and so on. I love the fact that I can just spin them on the go, do other things, check my trail gear, check my winch, etc. and not have to constantly go back and check the pressure. If you're looking for something simple that's easy to set and forget, then this is what you've been looking for. UPDATE 09/20/19. Now I have used them 26 times. I keep a journal when I'm out on a quad so I know where I've been and I make notes on how things are on the track and stuff like that. So I can easily see how many times I've deflated tires. I changed the setting to 15psi as I have new tires with much better sidewalls that allow me to air out more. They still work perfectly. Highly recommended product in any case or for any quadricycle. I also bought another kit for my dual purpose bike. I only need two of these for the bike, but that way I have a few spares in case I lose one or run out of one at some point.