HearthSong is a creative and fun toy sales firm that offers games,toys and a variety of fun products for children. HearthSong has a website with a beautiful design, and when you enter the website, you can easily find the product you want. On the website, products are offered to customers, categorized by age and type of product, this is a facilitating feature. The HearthSong website contains quality and fun products, as well as products that Hearthsong has created and designed itself. Hearthsong has a product created by itself that I like very much, and I want to share it with you. There is a big plastic inflatable ball in this product, and there is another round bagel shaped inflatable plastic around the ball, the kids go up to the top of this inflatable bagel and play by holding on to the inflatable ball. I think this product is very creative and fun for children. It's good that hearthsong makes such creative and new products. If you're interested, I suggest you go to Hearthsong's website and check out the products. Thank you for reading my review.