This template is designed for any daycare business owner who would like to understand their financials in a step by step fashion and get a grasp on what it takes to run a successful business. Daycare Business Plan Financial Model Template is great for new daycares, existing businesses and even non profit organizations that want to use it to analyze their finances. It includes 5 modules that help owners understand exactly what happens to money when you operate a daycare. The sections include Cost Analysis, Cash Flow Statement, Balance Sheet, Break Even Analysis and Profit & Loss statement. It’s designed to make it easy to identify weaknesses within your business and find ways to eliminate them before they cost you thousands. This is perfect for anyone looking to own their own business and take advantage of a tax deduction or write off every month. Template contains three spreadsheets (Cost Analysis, Cash Flow Statement, Balance Sheet) with many formatting options. The templates are ready to download right away. This template is free to download. You only need to pay if you wish to customize it. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions. We will get back to you as soon as possible.