I did have problems with the wheels at first too - just give them a good push/hit and they'll go in, but this thing is enormous. I can't knock them for that, as I could have measured it out, but double check the measurements because this is the size of a whale. As far as the vacuum itself, it's awesome, I don't notice much difference between shop vacs, as they all do the same thing for me. Provide hardcore suction and vacuuming needs. If you need to carry it around places, go smaller than the 16 gallon, if you are just stationing it in a shop/single level, then go for it. The filter was a bit awkward to set up too, and they really need to make longer cords (obviously extension cord works, but just one time I wish it was 5 feet longer to not need one on these vacs). Have only used this and a really old one before so can't compare, it's a beast at sucking things up of all surfaces.
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