There are no questions about the seller and the quality of the goods, everything is on top, but there are a lot of questions about the carrier represented by DPD. The delivery time was disrupted, arbitrarily postponed from 11/30 to 12/14, in connection with which I had to pick up the order on my own in Hong Kong, 200 km from the destination and spend extra money on fuel for the journey. At the point, the order was searched for about 15 minutes, after receiving it, he asked to call the manager and explain the reason for the delivery time, in response they simply shrugged. Then he asked the Point Manager to draw up an Act on the delay in delivery, to which he explained in a raised tone that he would not draw up and sign anything and should be glad that they gave me the order at all, after which he immediately ran away. As a result, a bunch of dead nerves, 7 hours on the road and 2500r down the drain.