As a pipe fitter, I used similar rules a few years ago. This 6 foot folding rule is sturdier than the old one as it is made of fiberglass instead of wood. It's the same length as my old six foot ruler, so that's good. Works for carpenters too, as they carefully crafted multiples of sixteen inches of red. Sixteen, for you non-carpenters, are common centers for 2X4 spacing in construction. Conveniently, sixteen is a factor of forty-eight, so you can place three supports evenly spaced on a 4-foot sheet of drywall or plywood sheet/deck. If you ever use a rule where numbers start inside the rule and not outside, you'll wonder why anyone would use a rule printed backwards. This item is well made and tight. This will give you many years of faithful service. Just don't sit around and make stars with it. Back to work!