These are hiking pants so I should have expected them but I was still surprised at how light and thin the material was when I took them out of the box. That alone didn't sound like the highest quality pants, but they are advertised as "breathable". However, I definitely don't recommend wearing them outdoors for outdoor activities unless the weather is warm; They do NOT keep your feet warm or even keep you warm. They're definitely better for indoor or outdoor fitness activities on warm or hot days, and I can imagine them coming in very handy when hiking in hot, sunny weather. My skin tends to be sensitive to certain plants, so it's good for me to have something light and breathable to cover my feet in certain leafy areas outdoors. . They fit well and it helps to have drawstrings to secure them around the waist, but they are baggy; I'm not sure if it's because I ordered a larger size or not. Overall, I'm not sure if these pants are necessarily worth the advertised price. They are quite thin and fragile in look and feel; I find them a bit overpriced. You may find something better for the same price and higher quality.
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