For me the main reason for buying these bags is to store and transport just for my clothes so I really don't care how they look as long as they can support their own weight and more. To be fair, they don't look bad at all when stuffed with clothes and other linen items. The non-woven fabric is very soft but durable and difficult to tear or tear. The transparent PVC window is not too thin and it is very convenient to see what's in the bag without opening the zipper. Speaking of which, these dual stainless steel zipper pullers are very strong and beautiful, unlike the cheaper plastic ones. It is very easy to zip up or open with both pullers. They can occasionally snag on the fabric, but that's not too much of a problem. The handles are strong and reinforced with stitching along the edges as well as another layer of fabric on the back as shown in the attached images. I think as long as I keep my weight under the recommended 33 pounds they should hold up pretty well. All in all, these bags got the job done for me, they offer ample storage, easy to carry, good waterproof and tear-resistant fabric, breathable and odor-free. Looks great in blue and has good stitching around the reinforced edges. The price is very competitive for 4 packs, I will probably buy later too.
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