These great bags are $6-7 a pair. Here's my take on why you should, or even should, spend more on them than paper bags. [A] You really want to reduce the amount of dust in your house. There is no comparison between the HEPA performance of these bags and the paper bags I have used in the past. This means the dust you pick up stays in the vacuum instead of being blown back up into the air.[B] You have a lot of dust or particle contamination on your hands - or you usually have a lot of dust, particles and/or pet hair at your home. These bags are great for tough jobs, both in terms of performance and capacity.[C] You're allergic. Especially if you are allergic to dust or pet dander or anything else that might collect on your floors. [D] You want to get the most out of your vacuum cleaner. I don't know anything about the inner workings of vacuum cleaners, but it seems to me that these bags improve the performance of my vacuum cleaner, ie make it more absorbent. The only suggestion I have is that these pockets can allow for better airflow while you work. One more note about the purchase. I bought these bags from Todays Concepts. Their price is competitive, shipping is free and shipping was fast.
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