Blue Demon sells good consumables. They are high quality and the packaging is top notch. Although these are the only 7014's I've ever bought, I'm sure they tick all the boxes for a 7014. So I'm basing the rest of this review on my first impressions of 7014 rods in general. I bought them because I saw a review on Youtube that said they were easy to reboot and great for pinning. Yes, these reboots are almost magical. Both are even lighter than 6013 bars and are made with rutile flux. Also, they have a lot of iron powder in the flux, like the 7018, my favorite, so I was hoping they would be like the 7018 with a slight hit. no Flux residue is big and obvious and easy to knock off, but other than that it's pretty much a 6013 that needs some extra power. Welds and smells like 6013. Puddle difficult to see and too easy to weld with rough fingers and poor profile. But if you prefer the 6013 rod, this might be a good transition for you to the 7018. But they are not for me. I bought size 5/64 because it was the cheapest and I mostly weld thinner materials. Made in India like the Blue Demon 7018 I bought for £15 and it's amazing. Bottom Line: If you want something better than the 6013 and really easy to launch, use these rods. If you like the 7018 but want an easy reboot, you'll likely be disappointed with the quality of the weld.