Works well. It's a strap, it tightens, it's reusable - almost exactly as described, bought as an alternative to replacing the vinyl straps on my patio furniture. I'm not sure if you've ever tried to substitute them properly, but this is the real PITA. You need to know how to calculate the correct measurement. Then you cut the ribbon, drill holes for the ties, trim the ends to remove the corners, and boil it for a few minutes to soften it. Then pull it out of the boiling water with tongs and try to install it quickly, wear thick rubber gloves so as not to burn your hands. And if you stretch too long and it gets too cold and doesn't stretch enough, you have to start all over again. Or you can buy these straps, tighten them nice and tight, and end up with about the same amount. the time it takes to put on the belt. I can sew or rivet them for extra security, but that's not necessary now. But it's so easy to do.