After reading many reviews and looking at many different brands we finally settled on this one. It's really very good for the money. It heats up very quickly, so I wouldn't leave your waffle alone for too long. After trying three store brand waffle mixes and then our own homemade ones, they all come out pretty much the same. I wouldn't call it Belgian waffles as they don't get very thick, but they work well and are worth the price.
GOBAM Wood Rolling Pin: The Perfect Dough Roller For Baking Cookies, Pie, Pizza & More - 13 X 1.38 Inches
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100 штук одноразовых кондитерских мешков длиной 18 дюймов для украшения тортов, кексов и печенья - идеально подходят для нанесения глазури и крема!
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AmazonBasics силиконовый коврик для выпечки
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Силиконовая форма для выпечки Bunte из 2 упаковок европейского класса - антипригарная форма для выпечки с рифленой трубкой для желе, желатина и тортов | 9-дюймовые противни | Аокинле | БФА бесплатно
38 Review