In recent reviews I have noticed that people have complained that the bags they received were not made by Hoover. The ones I received are genuine and exactly the same as the Revain website. For those who got the wrong ones; I can understand their outrage as genuine Hoover bags are much better quality than any non-branded bags. What I particularly like about these bags is that they don't leave dust in the air. I also have an LG bagless vacuum and I find it to have a bagless design; Dust has time to escape around the edges of the dust container. As far as I understand; Dusting and vacuuming are two of the most tedious tasks a homeowner has to do. When a product comes out that not only allows you to clean your home thoroughly, but also dust-free; this is a find. These bags are not your typical cheap paper bags, but; They are made of very high quality, almost velvety material that has a very high standard. The HEPA material is not only extremely useful for keeping the air dust-free, but also invaluable when it comes to removing pet hair. When our son visits us; he finds it very difficult to deal with cat dander as he is severely allergic to cats. It almost got to the point where he and his family had to stay in a hotel because he just couldn't stand our cat's dandruff. While these vacuum cleaner bags do not eliminate the dandruff that our cat is currently causing; They are extremely effective at removing dandruff that has accumulated around the home. Currently; my son and family can stay for a few days without any major problems. However, cat dander that accumulates in the air during their visit is still a problem as most of it has been removed; it makes an unbearable situation bearable. Bottom line, they deserve a 5 star rating as they work exactly as advertised and make your home that much cleaner and the air that much healthier to breathe.
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