I've been using it for a few months and have always noticed a rattling noise when moving it but didn't pay much attention to it. I used to connect it to a third-party USB power adapter until I decided to move it to the Switch dock to reduce the plug count. Almost immediately, I noticed that it wouldn't charge for more than a few minutes before turning off (all lights off) and then back on (all lights on, then connected device on). Recently I decided to open it. and see what's rattling. It turned out that the weight attached to the bottom plate with four screws flew free and rattled. It knocked out the power connectors on the joycon and the USB power connector was damaged but could be reconnected. After reassembling it showed the same issues, so now I have a literal paperweight and a semi-functional Joy Con charger. Your mileage may vary but exercise caution with this product as it appears to have quality control issues.