Great bike, worth the money. But.Easy to put together just takes a bit of strength seems a good size for my 3 years old not been used yet as it’s his Xmas present. This quad looks like it will do him greatly. I got my other son an 8v in the past and it struggled to keep up with walking pace witch was pain and any slight hill it struggled to get up. Bear in mind my son was an average build kid for his age.If I was going to be picky there is 1 thing that drove me insane about this squad is that it simulates the sound of a real bike ticking over the whole time it's on-.-" and it's annoying I ended up taking the speaker out of the bike, but if you can live with that then no fault with the bike. I just wish they made rubber wheel for these things, no bike suitable for a toddler Eva does -.-"
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