The large H-Field sensors work the same as the E-Field sensor, but the two smallest H-Field sensors just don't work at all. I plugged them into the 50 ohm input of my 300MHz scope and saw nothing, even down to 2mV/div. I made a homemade H-probe using RG174 and a wire loop of about the same diameter, shielded with copper tape (with a central gap) and aimed at the boost converter choke. The purchased probe read nothing at 2 mV/div while the homemade probe read 50 mV pp. And yes, that's not an E-field connection, during the spin it dropped almost to zero. Since it wasn't working anyway, I figured I removed the shrink tubing and found that the center pin of the SMA connector was just floating in mid-air! It was the same with the smallest plug. I don't know what to expect from the frequency.
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