I'm also a C&R collector and I also have leather outdoor gear like ax sheaths and I have a few items that I keep for use. restores the elasticity of leather products. There are some fast acting treatments that have the side effect of darkening the leather due to its original tanning quality. That is, the skin transitions from a tanned state to a darker tone, approaching a darker brown. These are not necessarily saturated browns, but simply a transition to darkness. Ko-Cho-Line does not belong to these caring products. When I applied it to leather that had other treatments that didn't work, like some pouches and holsters that had been sitting gathering dust in a warehouse for decades, I've found Ko-Cho-Line to be just the thing for bringing back flexibility and even the softness of old leather goods. However, it doesn't work quickly and requires an overnight treatment where you apply it and then just leave it on and soak. Are there exceptions to this? Yes, a very dry bar absorbs quickly with almost any treatment, and with one set of pouches I found that even when using a different product to open the valves, it stayed in a state where the Ko-Cho line disappeared in about an hour. For new products that have been industrially processed with almost no original oil left (like rawhide), Ko-Cho-Line also penetrates at a fairly good rate. A new rawhide case disappeared like the old pouch, and an hour later there was nothing left on its surface at all. If the surface feels dry during these applications, I reapply and leave it on overnight, no matter how quickly it absorbs. suitable for wearing on a belt, but generally applies to products that you have previously processed or reworked, sitting overnight. I use t shirt cutting rags to apply to try to get an even finish and it works really well. To remove excess material the next day, an old sock with a fluffy part inside works very well to remove excess material and give it a little polish at the same time. Cho-Line darkens the skin, so if you don't want it, apply gently to the surface only. And when applied to the thread, Ko-Cho-Line gives it a red color for a while (with use, the segment tends to be absorbed and disappear). I don't use Ko-Cho-Line for spot treatment and if I spot a dry spot on my skin I apply the product evenly and apply a little more to the dry areas. Benefits- Deep conditioning- Little to no odor- Returns flexibility where other products fail, even after repeated use MINUS- No instant fix, there are other products that return some elasticity faster- Darkens skin around the edges when they don't be carefully applied to the surface - Leaves a red tint on fabric parts Whether for aging leather goods into a usable condition or for conditioning new but carefully finished leather, Ko-Cho-Line is unsurpassed. As a result, the product acquires a more saturated color without changing its color, that is, the color becomes more saturated, which can be deeper, but the overall color does not darken. Other surface treatments such as Sno-Seal can still be applied after use, which is a huge plus for non-skin contact outdoor gear. There are other products out there like saddle soap or something like Leather Honey but if you need deep leather conditioning then I would recommend Ko-Cho-Line if you have the patience to just wait and get the job done.