I used this on my 2003 Mercury Grand Marquis. It fits perfectly, not a drop has leaked in 3 months! My installation method: 1. Clean the internal differential with the brakes, avoid getting into the slots, use a rag to soak up all the oil and liquid.2. Use 60 grit on both mating surfaces to eliminate corrosion, pitting, etc. Then 320, 600, 1000 and 2000 grit to get a good mating surface.3. Use canned or compressed air to blow holes4. Apply a coat of high temperature full synthetic bearing grease to mating surfaces and seal.5. Hand tighten 2 screws at top and one at bottom to align gasket and cover.6. Insert and finger tighten all screws, every other screw.7. Use a ratchet in the head to tighten all the other bolts and do the same with the remaining bolts.8. Torque every other bolt to 16 ft-lbs, then tighten the remaining bolts.9. Fill the differential to fill the hole.10. Spray around the gasket and plug to clean the brake well.11. Drive approximately 150 miles, check for leaks around spark plug holes and cap. Check the level and top up if necessary. Hope this helps someone! Have done this procedure on many cars for years including friends, family and my own cars. I have never used RTV or sealant. If you need more automotive advice, email me at wfh2ii94@gmail.com!