This variable speed drill makes very fine work easier. I use it for watches and watch parts. Repairing a worn musical mechanism in a cuckoo clock requires a 0.017 (17 thousandths) hole for the shaft. This variable speed drill bit made drilling such a small hole that much easier. My smallest drill is a .013 and the chuck on this drill holds it tight and tight. Most drill chucks are not as accurate and will not hold such a small drill bit. The variable speed selector allowed the drill to run smoothly and continuously with no speed fluctuations. I had a little problem trying to insert very small bits into the chuck. A locking shank would have helped, but after a few tries and holding the drill differently, the problem was solved. I tried drilling a .013" hole in a 1/2" oak dowel and it went right through. This is a very good tool for very fine work. I'm sure it will work just as well on larger orders.