I am ordering from this seller and for the price I expect the product to be functional but poor quality. I was wrong, this product looks like the quality of the car is superior to the 1985 OEM part of the car. The fit and finish were great. Lid, rotor and module were complete and first class. It even includes post-1986 upgrades made by GMC from its new distributors. If a part is found to be missing, it would be insufficient lubrication on the distributor shaft. I personally prefer to see some light machine oil or some sort of liquid lube on the shaft where the bearing makes contact to ensure long life and proper break-in of the unit. Today I have about 5000 miles on the distributor in my 1985 Pontiac Fiero and my timing is off 100% of the time with a maximum total deviation of 1 degree (0.5 degrees +/-) which I can attribute 150,000 per gear a distributor . If you need this part I highly recommend going in this direction, nothing to cut here.