I deliberated over this purchase for quite some time. It's really worth it to me to have clean floors twice a day, without stress or hle). With the Roborock app no longer available for iPhone, I was able to get it working with Mi Home. A standard program; I was afraid it would be complicated to set up after reading some of the reviews. It does a decent job of cleaning, it doesn't get lost on the dark floor, (also based on reviews) and my apartment is completely dark. The only small inconvenience is that the rubber mat in the corridor must be pulled out of the way before work can begin (it refuses to slide off on its own and is dragged along), but this is a minor issue. People who have pets often wish for a bristle-free brush. Of course, washing the container is a pain. Adaptable to Alice. Usually, I recommend making a purchase. The major flashing is done solely on Androids, then 10 minutes of business, so it shouldn't be too difficult to do it yourself in 2022 if you study the information available online.