On the one hand I bought this system because the sensors on the photos on the threaded side look like they are made entirely of brass. Well the pictures are wrong. The sensors I've received are all plastic with a brass threaded insert, as are all other systems like this one you see cheaper. A little disappointed but still a good product. I've been using this setup for about a month and have actually used it. It worked well and was very helpful on the 1300 mile trip. I got the idea to use this on my 32ft RV. First of all, it would not have worked at such a great distance. I bought a separate 15 foot USB extension cable and then routed the receiver module outside under the pickup bed. After that it worked great and extended the range far enough for my trailer tires. While driving, I had a bump from hitting something on the road, and one of the sensors received a direct hit from the tread, which detached from the tire. I am very impressed that the sensor is still working great afterwards. Great purchase so far and I'm very happy!