The team is extremely talented in its field which helped my organization grow exponentially within just few months time by leveraging content strategy with high quality blog articles and social media promotion of our website via facebook ads etc., Highly recommendable for any startup looking to expand their reach at least 10X times than they currently do now or even more! None as such but I will definitely say it must be working very hard towards delivering best user experience possible because we have seen several new features coming up like custom audience targeting etc so far while using DAS platform. I think what made me like this tool is it has all aspects of content marketing in one place (inbound & outbound). It’s very powerful but quite expensive for startup budgets. If you can afford to have one product then go ahead otherwise if your budget is limited stick with Hubspot or Google tools which are less costly options. We were able to target our audience using DAA so we did not need any PPC at all.